Coming soon, our Best of Glasgow Events featuring some of the finest products from around the city.

Our. first event is on Friday 7th March at The Western Club, Glasgow’s 200 year old “Inclusively Exclusive” Private members Club in Royal Exchange Square.

The evening will start with a presentation about the contemporary tweed clothing designs of Walker Slater

Loud & Clear, established 1996 and still Scotland’s finest independent HiFi and home cinema retailer; representing the best brands from across the world, many of which from no further than our fair shores.

Our wee “trial” for the evening; can a record player sound as good as a digital stream?  It’s the “analogue vs digital” debate, live in the Western Club!  We’ll play an iconic track from a famous, local artist on both formats and invite our audience to be the judge, jury and executioner. The track will be played on some equally native equipment – a Linn Sondek LP12 turntable and Linn Selekt DSM digital streamer, through beautiful Fyne Audio 702SP loudspeakers – all hailing from Glasgow.

Once the verdict has been reached we’ll be on hand to take questions and thoughts on all things musical, whilst keeping the system running to provide a tuneful backdrop to the remainder of the evening.

The Glasgow Distillery Co are also joining the party and supplying some Friday night drinks from their range of spirits produced in G52.

An enjoyable and informative evening at the Club for all to enjoy. Contact us now for ticket information